
Mit Penzilla sparst du Zeit & Kosten

Durch Anbindung an euer Personal- und/oder Lohnabrechnungssystem stellen wir sicher, dass ihr zu 100% von administrativen Tätigkeiten in der bAV befreit werdet.

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Savings with
Penzilla / year (incl. Software costs)

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new available working time
less bAV activities
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Our customers are as hyped as we are!

“I am a great advocate of corporate pension schemes and have therefore also introduced the topic at Dracoon. From my many years of experience, I know how essential it is to have a strong and competent corporate pension partner. And that's exactly what we found in Penzilla. The introduction of the corporate pension scheme was super quick and uncomplicated. The positive response and the high participation rate of our employees confirm its success.”

Elisabeth Volkmar Director People & Culture

“As an international company, we attach great importance to attractive benefits, including the company pension scheme. In Penzilla, we have found a partner that not only offers multilingual advice, but also makes the complex system in Germany understandable and accessible to our international employees. We are delighted with the cooperation and support that Penzilla offers us.”

Dr. Uli Erxleben CEO & Founder

“The topic of occupational pension schemes generally makes sense for companies because it is cost-effective to implement and offers employees significant financial added value. The only hurdles we faced as a company in the past were the administrative burden and the huge amount of paperwork. Penzilla has solved these problems for us.”

Jascha Sombrutzki Gründer
Questions & Answers

You're probably asking yourself

For bAV Newbies:
It takes less than 2 hours of your time to fully implement a corporate pension plan:
  • 30 Minuten Beratung für euer perfektes bAV-Angebot
  • 30-minute information session for your employees
  • 3 minutes for integration into your HR system
For bAV Pros:
It takes us no more than 3 minutes to implement our software.
Depending on the complexity and data situation of your existing corporate pension scheme, it can take around 2 weeks to import the data. But we'll take care of that and you can sit back and relax.
Absolutely. If you have decided to offer your employees a corporate pension plan, we will be happy to support you in this process. We provide individual advice for you as the HR department/managing director, information events for your employees, the processing of contribution adjustments, communication with the insurers and the review of old contracts completely free of charge.

Quite simply. Due to the fact that your employees have a statutory entitlement to a corporate pension from their employer, they have no choice. So the question is never whether a corporate pension scheme should be introduced, but how and with whom.

Numerous benefits studies show that corporate pension schemes are among the most popular benefits across all age groups. In addition, the introduction of a corporate pension scheme can also be very cost-effective.

In addition, attractive corporate pension offers have repeatedly shown that they have a positive employer branding effect and can retain existing employees in the company.
Für mehr Argumente, komm gerne auf uns zu.

Employees have a legal right to save for a company corporate plan with contributions from their salary (deferred compensation). If an employee expresses this wish, you must give them this option. The Occupational Pensions Act states this:

§ Section 1a BetrAVG Entitlement to a corporate pension through deferred compensation: The employee can demand that the employer uses up to 4 percent of the respective contribution assessment ceiling in the general pension insurance scheme from his future remuneration entitlements for his corporate pension through deferred compensation.

Germany's top 3 benefits
Numerous benefits studies show that corporate pension schemes are among the most popular benefits across all age groups. This is because every employee benefits from a corporate pension scheme, not just certain employee groups.

Cost-effective benefit
The introduction of a corporate pension scheme can be very cost-effective. In this case, non-wage labor costs can even be reduced.

Employer branding effect
Attractive corporate pension offers have already shown several times that they have a positive employer branding effect and can bind existing employees to the company.